Event Recording for BASt

As the developer of this specialized event recording software, I am proud to present a solution that improves the recording of accident and event data in tunnels. This software was designed from the ground up to meet the requirements of the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) and significantly ease your daily work.

With my event recording software, you get a tool that not only optimizes the work process but also helps to increase safety in tunnels. It is my goal to provide you with a solution that simplifies your work while meeting the highest standards.

What makes my software so special?

Intuitive Interface

I placed great importance on making the software as easy to use as possible. Instead of struggling with complex tables and confusing forms, you can capture all relevant data with just a few clicks. The interface is clearly structured and easily configurable, so you can record exactly the information necessary for your work.

Faster and Error-Free Data Entry

Thanks to the intuitive design of the input forms, data entry is not only faster but also less error-prone compared to manual entry in the tables provided by BASt. The software guides you through the recording process, ensuring that no important information is overlooked and that all data is saved in the correct context and location in the table.

Automated Export

Another highlight of my software is the automatic creation and export of data sets in the correct format for BASt. You don't have to worry about whether the data meets the requirements - the software takes care of it for you, guaranteeing that everything is transmitted completely and correctly.

Quick Installation and Cross-Platform

My software can be easily integrated into your existing IT infrastructure. Whether you use Windows, macOS, or Linux - cross-platform compatibility ensures that the software runs smoothly on all your devices. Thanks to quick installation and easy configuration, you can start immediately and benefit from the advantages.

Clear Statistics

With my software, you always have access to an overview of the most important statistical data. Whether it's the number of accidents, their causes, or other relevant metrics - the evaluation is quick and straightforward, so you have all the essential information at your fingertips.

Your Advantages at a Glance:

  • Time Savings - through fast data recording and automated export
  • Easy Configuration - for quickly adding tunnels
  • Error Minimization - through clear user guidance and automatic validation
  • Easy to Use - compared to the complex BASt tables
  • Quick Training - without long training periods
  • Comprehensive Evaluations - for better decision-making foundations

Happy Customers

The event recording software has already gained the trust of two significant institutions:

  • State Traffic Control Center NRW - Here, the software is successfully used for recording and evaluating events in tunnels.
  • Autobahn GmbH of the Federal Government - Westphalia Branch - This institution also uses the software to ensure safety and efficiency in tunnel operations.

Technical Details

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